The Buzz

“I sent your Rugelach as a gift to a friend and she emailed me that she and her husband had never tasted bakery like it, the best rugelach she had ever had.... She asked my permission, to steal my "gift idea" and send the same to her friends!”

— Sally from Chicago

“I brought the cranberry bread and rugelach to Seattle and they were HUGE hits! So, so good! Really the best rugelach I’ve ever had. I’m so glad I kept some at home. Thanks so much for the deliciousness!”

— Miriam from Chicago

“I just had some of the apricot rugelach and walnut cranberry bread, and ITS THE BEST I HAVE EVER EATEN!!!! You are a spectacular baker!!!”

— Betsy from Chicago

“Truly resplendent cream cheese and butter dough cookies, descendants from Poland, Russia & the Ukraine. I normally pace myself but ate this entire Apricot one, with almond paste!”

— Steve Dolinsky from Chicago

“We loved your Rugelach. So many are made in “factories” and have that “processed food” taste. You’ve captured the old world flavor and we are grateful for what you’re doing!”

— Rabbi Merrill from Florida

“Like a long, deep and infinitely satisfying meditation for your mouth”

— Tom from Chicago

“Rugelach!!! Just tasted. OMG. I’m willing to mortgage my grandchildren to keep these coming!!!”

— Betty from Santa Monica

“I’m still smacking my lips, they were fabulous!”

— Niki from Chicago

“The rugelach were the best. I ate them all in 3-4 days. They were moist, tasty, big. Loved them.”

— Les from LA

“We have really enjoyed your delicious rugelach! Shared it with our yoga instructor and he raved about it as well.”

— Dale from Chicago

“Received the rugelach and dug right in. I consider myself a maven in this area … incredible! Am going to send a dozen apricot to a friend who makes them for me regularly.”

— Mark from St. Louis

“They arrived this evening. I’ve only had … a few! Thank you, thank you for all of the love and sweetness I taste in them. You can’t believe what a comfort they are right now”

— Rachelle from LA

“A #1 !! Fantastic. I can honestly say I can’t imagine they could be any better.”

— Hart from Chicago